Tuesday, September 25, 2007

tuesday yoga

Tuesday morning class same as monday sequence.

tuesday evening, we added in ardha padmasana after sukasana and supta ardha padmasana after supta sukasana.

instead of supta padanaghustanasana, we did inversions.

We worked on Ujjayi I in supta sukasana and Ujjayi 2 in supta bk.

Lovely class ya'll.

Remember no class tomorrow night. Busy with work stuff.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Monday Evening Sequence

Sukasana (simple cross legs)
Baddha konasana (bound angle pose)
Supta sukasana ( reclined cross legs)
supta baddha konasana ( reclined bound angle)
virasana (hero's pose)
supta virasana, (reclined hero)
Adho Mukha Svanasana (down dog)
Supta padangustansana I and II (supine hand on big town pose I and ii)
legs up the wall.


Upcoming workshop in Austin

Hi Ya'll, this is an Iyengar Workshop coming to town. I've never
studied with Laura Allard, but she has a really great reputation and
she and her husband are really famous for anatomy classes they run
for yogis in Colorado.

I'm planning to attend it myself. Thought it might appeal to some of


Austin Yoga Institute and Clear Spring Studio welcome Laura for her
first workshop in Texas.
We will focus on the anatomy of the pelvis and legs. The workshop will
involve asana practice,
lecture, and hands on work with the Anatomy in Clay materials that
Laura will supply.
LEARN structural and functional understanding of the musculature,
bones, joints, and
ligaments. EXPERIENCEPerceptua

l Anatomy - Postural Anatomical
Balancing to discover
center of gravity of each joint as it relates to the skeleton a whole.
EXAMINE anatomy
through yoga to better understand alignment, structural integrity and
freedom of movement.
GAINgreater understanding of injuries and dysfunctions and learn
therapeutic techniques
for healing and prevention. BEmore confident and creative in personal
practice and
professional endeavours.
October 12-14, 2007
Fri, Oct 12: 5:30-7:30pm at Austin Yoga
Sat, Oct 13: 9:00am-12:00 noon & 1:30-3:30pm at Austin Yoga
Sun, Oct 14: 9:00-12 noon & 1:30-3:30pm at Clear Spring Studio
Full Workshop Cost : (if paid by Sept 27) $200, $240 thereafter.
2 Hour Class : $40 | 3 hour Class: $60
Austin Yoga - 1122C South Lamar| phone 923-4643
Clear Spring Studio - 605A Copeland St.
(off South First Street, behind Sabia & Marye Realtors)
phone 231-9644 ~ map available at www.clearspringstudio.com
Attending the entire workshop is
recommended; preference will be given to
those attending all sessions. Please specifiy
which sessions you will attend, if less than all.
Checks made payable to:
Austin Yoga
1122-C South Lamar Blvd
Austin, TX 78704
Austin Yoga at 923-4643
LAURA ALLARD is an Intermediate Jr III Certified
Iyengar Yoga Instructor, Certified KA2 Kinesthetic
Anatomist Lvl 2, Director of the Iyengar Yoga Center of
Boulder, Colorado, serves the Board of the
Iyengar Yoga Nat'l Assoc. Store, and an
adjunct professor at Naropa
University. She has studied in
India with B.K.S. Iyengar and
Geeta as well as senior instructors
in the USA. Her teaching embodies
knowledge, patience, and strength
and conveys her passion for yoga and
her belief in creating community.
Contact Laura at boulderyoga.com
Laura Allard is a very knowledgeable teacher. Not only does she have
knowledge of Yoga Asana practice, but she has good knowledge of
anatomy and
how the two interact.
- Merril Lobel, Meditation Teacher from the Canadian Meditation Centres
Laura has found a way to make learning anatomy fun and hands on. A
perfect mix
of clay building time and asana practice to apply what you've learned,
you'll come
away with a solid understanding of anatomy!
- Monica Krajewski, Yoga Teacher

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Women in Yoga Classes

I thought I would just briefly write about the numbers of women in yoga classes. Yoga Classes in the US are mostly women. I've been teaching yoga about ten years and have probably only had about ten male students total. Right now, I have one male student who attends regularly. I have noticed that there are more men who do yoga in Austin, particularly at YogaYoga.

At the Senior Instructor Level of the Iyengar World, there are more women than men, but not at the same dispporportionate level. At the Institute, it seemed like there were more women than men, but a lot more men than in a regular class in the US. B.K.S Iyengar himself taught women very early on when it was not really socially acceptable to do so

B.K.S Iyengar says that yoga is for everybody.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Wednesday Night Sequence

pretty much the same stuff all week. I"ve learned a ton about VIra I and VIra III, thought a lot about what you should be doing to prepare yourself while you take those two breaths that BKS recommends in VIRA III. It is a good time to level the hips.

If any of you happen to be in Austin Sunday at 10:30, I'm subbing a class at Yoga Yoga NOrth.

Remember next week, NO Wednesday Class.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Tuesday Classes

Tuesday Morning we did the same sequence as Monday night. Welcome to new student Leigh Ann. She took a long time ago when the yoga place was on Sanger.

Tuesday Night was tons of fun. We had ten people in the small room and Nancy and Elba were absent. Carolyn was back and was great to see her.

We did the same sequence that is posted except, after cobra we did lotus variation with fingers interlaced behind back, Dhaurasana, Parsva Dhanurasana Adho Muhka Svanasana, Anantasana, (the new pose where you balance on the side of your body) then Chatush padasana Legs up the wall and a long savasana.

Tons of fun am really thinking about staying in the small room for a while. No chairs to move. Weigh in now if you have strong feelings against this move.

Jessica, check out my sister's blog, christinasell.blogspot.com great picture of her in Anjaneasana.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Backward Bending Week

We had a great class tonight. We are in the small room all week. In some ways, I like it better. I really appreciate all the effort and enthusiasm people have and as Barbara remarked, "it feels good too."

HEre's tonights sequence.

Sukasana, (simple cross legs)
Parvatasana in Sukastasna (bound fingers above the head and then we did it behind back)
Tadasana (mountain)
Urdhva Hastasana (upward hand, remember we worked with the strap on the traps and on the elbows also)
Vira I (warrior I) several times, remember block at the wall.
Vira III (warrior III)
Bhujangasana (cobra and variation with fingers interlaced behind back)
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Down dog)
Dandasana (staff)
Marichyasana I (Seated twist)
Marichyasana III (seated twist across body)
Urdhva Muka Paschimottansana (forward bend concave back)
Paschimottanasana (forward bend)
Supta Baddha Konasana (supine bound angle pose)
Supported Savasana.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wednesday Night Sequence

Baddha Konasana
Upavistha Konasana
Urdhva Hastasana
Urdhva Baddanguilasana
Uttanasana Concave back.
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Supta Padangushtasana I
Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (legs up wall)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tuesday Classes

Tuesday Morning Class.

sukasana (simple cross legs)
dandasana (Staff pose)
baddha konasana (bound angle pose)
Upavistha konasana (seated wide angle pose)
Urdhva Hastasana
Urdhva Baddanguilasana
Utthita Hasta Padasana
Vira II
Adho Mukha Svanasana
marichyasana I
Legs up the Wall
Supta Baddha Konasana

Tuesday Evening.

adho Mukha Sukasana
adho Mukhas Sukasana to each side.
Seated Twist in Sukasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Adho Mukha Virasana
Parsva Adho Mukha Virasana
Adho Mukha Svansana Helping each other with the belts.
Uttanasana concave back.
Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana
Chutshpadasna with legs on wall
legs up wall
Supta Baddha konasana.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Monday Evening Sequence

Hi Everyone,

We had a great class tonight. It is always great to see students like Claude and Elizabeth who have been gone awhile!!! Welcome Back. Also welcome to Tracy, another brand new person, brand new to Waco too!

This week is a forward bending week.

we did

sukasana (simple cross legs)
dandasana (Staff pose)
baddha konasana (bound angle pose)
Upavistha konasa (seated wide angle pose)
siddasana (pose of wisdom)
virasana (hero's poses)
adho mukha virasana (downward facing hero pose)
Adho mukah svanasan (down dog)
uttanasana (concave back, standing forward bend)
parsvottanasana (concave back, standing forward bend to the side)
prasarita padotanasana (extended wide apart foot pose)
chatush padasana (four limbed pose)
Chatush/ sarvangasana prep (chatush with feet up wall)
legs up the wall (urdva prasarita padasana)


Thursday, September 6, 2007

Yoga Teaching in Austin

Starting January 11, 2008, I'll be teaching a Friday Morning Yoga class at Clear Spring Studio.
9:30- 11:00. Clear Spring Studio is conveniently located just off South 1st, right across from Austin School for the Deaf.

Information about other public classes in the Austin area to follow.

Wednesday Night Sequence

The Wednesday Class started back this week! Lots of new people, welcome all. A lot of the regular crowd was away. Yoga class is like life in that way, the ebb and flow of new students, new experience, weaving into the stream of ongoingness. Here's the week one sequence. Feel free to post any questions about the poses.

Sukasana (simple cross leg pose)
Tadasana (mountain poses)
Urdhva Hastasana (upward hand pose)
Urdhva Baddanguliansana (upward bound finger pose)
Vrksasana (tree pose)
Utthita Hasta Padasana (Extended Hand and Foot pose)
Parsva Hasta Padasana ( Extended Hand and Foot pose, front leg turned)
Trikonasana (triangle pose)
Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II)
Virabhadrasana I legs only (Warrior I)
Dandasana (staff pose)
Marichyasana I (seated twist)
Chatushpadasana (four limbed pose)
Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (legs up the wall pose)
savasana (corspe pose)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Inner Peace and a Great Butt

This is the title of a yoga article Elba gave me (check it out).

This class was more about the rib cage (but don't forget about inner peace as Alexandra reminded us!)

Ya'll worked so hard tonight! Great job!.

Here's the sequence.

Adho Mukha Virasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Chair Bharadvajasana (three times, different variations)
Parsvottansana concave back
Parivritta Trikonasana (three times, second and third times at the wall, turning away from wall and toward the wall)
Chatushpadasana feet up wall
Chatushpadsana holding legs of chair
Marichyasana III
(restorative pose of choice)

Next week, Forward Bends. post any requests or questions about class in the comments.

Some Yoga Pictures

Here are a couple pictures of me at Christina's Labor of Love Yoga Festivity.

Also, this is Standing Pose week. Any particular standing pose requests? I'll work them into a sequence?