Tuesday, July 24, 2007

tuesday afternoon update

We had another great backward bending class with Geeta last night. it was really fascinating watching her insistence that people learn to kick up in full arm balance. she had those that couldn't do it work on it at least ten or fifteen minutes. but at the same time, for those of us who could kick up, she was very insistent on seeing the skill in coming down with both legs. After we had worked really hard in eka pada viparita dandasana on a chair, she talked at length about the process of stilling the fluctuations of the mind and the cultivation of the receptivity of the mind to that process. For instance, the attention that it takes to "catch what she is saying' needs to be applied to the self-observation in practice. more talk about not getting wrapped up in the ambition of doing, but to look for sthira sukam asanam in all aspects of the pose.

then, we went to Urdhva dharusana and she taught us how to shift the weight forward and backward, toward the feet and toward the hands to prepare us to learn to come and kick over. A lot of doing!!!!

today we did a lot of practice with weight on our thighs, ate lunch, and walked to crosswords and back to the Cyber Cafe.....

tonight, class with Prashant.

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