Saturday, June 23, 2007

I am packed

Well, I'm packed and ready to go. I have some consulting work to do in Dallas the next couple days so I had to get everything ready. It is weird to think I'll be gone for a month and I'm only bringing one backpack. It is the same backpack I took when I spent a semester in Greece and the summer backpacking in Europe. It's been on a few trips to Mexico and central America, even on a trip to Costa Rica without me !

Here's a picture of me and my godson H.W. He is totally cute. He is chewing on my keys. H.W. gave me the hot pink yoga mat that I use in class last Christmas. I don't really think of myself as a hot pink person, much less a hot pink mat with paisley prints sort of person. But shortly after I got the mat, Christina gave me a hot pink yoga mat bag, with the magic money pocket, as Marie calls it, so maybe it is one of those Nietzschean things where you become what you are. I did choose hot pink as the background color for the blog. Hmm... I also didn't think I was a mini-van person, but a free Honda Odyssey from the parents is hard to turn down and even though I'm not a soccer mom, it is useful for hauling props around and as Alexandra Foley says, I am "yoga mom to many."

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