Tuesday, June 26, 2007

and ready to go !!!!

My student, Ann Alridge sent me this picture, titled "how to weigh correctly." urdhva prasarita padasana comes in handy it appears.

I just had the last Tuesday class before the hiatus. It was a little sad. It will be weird not to teach yoga for a month and a half. Actually, it is just weird to leave your life for a month...

but we did sun saluations, the happiness pose (parsva dhanurasana), and some restorative things at the end. Denise gave me some very handy travel items and Alexandra gave me some chocolate... Really sweet!!!

Mostly, I'm just in the sheer excitement, ready to go phase. I'm completely packed. Tomorrow, I have a really full day: massage, trip to the vet, writing, several meetings on campus. I need to practice at some point. and then the last wednesday class, then the day of departure.

A couple more hints on home practice. Do restorative poses. Think how much you love legs up the wall pose (viparita karani) or supta baddha konasana or setu bandha, why not do them every day???

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