Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tuesday Musings

Well, no one showed up to the new tuesday morning class. Weird, so many people call and say they want daytime classes, so anyway, tell all your daytime friends about a new yoga class. I'll keep it up for awhile, but this unique window of opportunity for day time yoga in Waco won't last long.

It was great being back with the Tuesday night crowd. This was a backward bending week. We did a slightly modified Geeta sequence from Pune. Here it is.

Adho Mukhaa Virasana (downward facing hero) AMV
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Down dog, remember we worked on getting the shoulder blades on the back and having less of a chihuahua stances) AMS
Uttansana (standing forward bend)
Trikonasana triangle
Parsvakonasana side angle pose
Ardha Chandrasana half moon.
another AMS
Vira II (warrior II)
Upavista Konasana (Seated wide angle pose)
Supta Padanghustashana II (three various, leg in tadasana, down leg out wide and the letting extended leg go all the way to floor
Urdhva Mkha Svanasana (up dog, lots of variations with the blocks)
Dhanurasana (bow pose, remember the single leg variation)
Eka Pada Rajokapotasana prep (single leg pigeon)
another AMV
parsva AMV
sarvangasana (shoulderstand)
halasana (plow)
parsva halasana (plow to the side)

Enjoy, practice well.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Thanks for sharing!