Thursday, August 30, 2007
Bellur Village Fundraising
My good friend, Michelle Mock ,is now heading up the SECOND ANNUAL Three for Bellur Project Fundraiser 2007 and we are asking for your support and enthusiasm once again.
Each studio that teaches in the Iyengar tradition is asked to collect a minimum donation of $3 from each teacher and student between now and the end of November. Let us join together again and give Three for Bellur! With your determination we can exceed last year's donations! Each studio's contributions are to be collected and submitted by November 2007 in time to
present to Shri BKS Iyengar in honor of his birthday and in support of the entire project's progress.
Yoga Workshop in Austin
SATURDAY and SUNDAY, SEPT. 8-9 , 2007
Clear Spring Studio and Austin Yoga School heartily welcome Jaya Waters for her second visit to
Austin. Jaya's bio flourishes not in a resume of her 20 yrs of practicing yoga nor her certification
credentials or about her life in India, but in a brief explanation of what yoga means to her as a way of
life. She says her yoga practice is no different than anyone else’s who has studied Iyengar yoga for
many years. However, she does claim a tenacity to yoga under both favorable and unfavorable
circumstances. She credits this to her faith in yoga not just as a physical & breathing exercise, but more as a spiritual path ending in Self realization or Kaivalya. Yoga serves her now even more than before
~ like a true love, it keeps giving and giving, expecting nothing in return. Give yourself a short end-of-summer yoga holiday, and energize your practice with Jaya.
SCHEDULE Note: All classes are for all levels of student with experience of the Iyengar method. If
you have physical limitations or medical conditions, please ask Peggy or Devon if attendance will be
appropriate for you.
Another Note: you are strongly encouraged to attend all sessions; there is a well-thought-out method
and progression to the work, and your body and mind will benefit from the immersion, however brief.
Saturday, Sept. 8, 9am – 11:30am All Levels
2:30pm – 5:30pm All Levels
Sunday, Sept. 9, 9am – noon, All Levels
All classes will be at Clear Spring Studio, located at 605 A Copeland St., off South 1st St, behind the
Sabia Boutique and Marye Realtors. Parking access either from S. First or Copeland St. Overflow
parking behind shops just north of Clear Spring on South 1st St.
COST Please make checks payable to Clear Spring Studio, and mail to 605 A Copeland St. Austin,
TX 78704. Specify which sessions you will attend.
Entire workshop: $130, if paid entirely by Friday August 25; $140 (full price) after that.
2.5-hour class (Sat. am): $40
3-hour class (Sat. pm and Sun. am): $50 each
To register or for more information, contact Devon Dederich at Clear Spring: email, phone 512-231-9644 OR Peggy Kelley at Austin Yoga School:
email, phone 512-440-1269.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Wednesday evening class starts Sept 5
Tuesday morning class starts Sept 11.
At the Iyengar Institute, they follow a rotation of poses schedule, that goes something like this, week one Standing Poses, Week Two Forward Bend, Week Three Backward Bends, Week Four Pranayama. I've been following this more or less in my ongoing classes (tuesdays for sure and monday and wednesdays to lesser degrees), but I have to say I haven't been explicitly teaching pranayama so much on the pranayama weeks.
However, one thing that really hit me in Pune is how seriously they take pranayama and also how much people really don't practice it and all of a sudden I realized I was part of the problem. I have a regular practice, but I don't teach it regularly to my students. So today I did. In many ways, it is much harder to teach than asana, partly because you can't talk and demo at the same time, but that's the tip of the iceberg.
Here's tonights Sequence. All in Sanskirt. Another story. Long ago, Christina asked Devon how to learn the names of the poses. Devon said, when you care about the poses enough, you'll learn the names, so the beginner sequences I'll give the translations. No translations for Tuesday Night.
Supta Baddha Konasana
Supta Sukasana
Ardha Padamasana prep.
Virsasana to
Supta Virsana
Adho Mukha Virasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Sirsasana with belt on elbows
mini setu banda
Ujjayi I
Ujjayi III
Ujjayi II
Violoma I
Monday, August 27, 2007
Monday Evening Sequence
Sukasana simple cross legs
Dandasana staff
Tadasana mountain
Supta Tadasana laying down mountain
Urdhva Hastasana upward hand pose
Supta UH laying down upward hand pose
Vrksasana tree
Utthita Hasta Padasana extended hand and foot pose
Trikonasana triangle
Virabhadrasana II warrior ii
Parsvotasana (Concave Back) intense side flank pose
Virasana hero
Chatushpadasana four limbed poses
Supta Baddha Konasana laying down side angle pose
Supported Savasana supported corpse.
enjoy. Think about practicing yoga and practice yoga!!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
12 Week Complete Beginner Series
A new day time class.
12 week series for the complete beginner.
Starts Tuesday September 11 at 10:00
Lakeshore Baptist Church
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Tuesday Musings
It was great being back with the Tuesday night crowd. This was a backward bending week. We did a slightly modified Geeta sequence from Pune. Here it is.
Adho Mukhaa Virasana (downward facing hero) AMV
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Down dog, remember we worked on getting the shoulder blades on the back and having less of a chihuahua stances) AMS
Uttansana (standing forward bend)
Trikonasana triangle
Parsvakonasana side angle pose
Ardha Chandrasana half moon.
another AMS
Vira II (warrior II)
Upavista Konasana (Seated wide angle pose)
Supta Padanghustashana II (three various, leg in tadasana, down leg out wide and the letting extended leg go all the way to floor
Urdhva Mkha Svanasana (up dog, lots of variations with the blocks)
Dhanurasana (bow pose, remember the single leg variation)
Eka Pada Rajokapotasana prep (single leg pigeon)
another AMV
parsva AMV
sarvangasana (shoulderstand)
halasana (plow)
parsva halasana (plow to the side)
Enjoy, practice well.
Week One Sequence
Sukasana (simple cross leg pose)
bound fingers in sukasana
Tadasana (mountain poses)
Urdhva Hastasana (upward hand pose)
Vrksasana (tree pose)
Utthita Hasta Padasana (Extended Hand and Foot pose)
Parsva Hasta Padasana ( Extended Hand and Foot pose, front leg turned)
Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II)
Vihmansasana (celestial vehicle pose)
Dandasana (staff pose)
Chatushpadasana (four limbed pose)
Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (legs up the wall pose)
savasana (corspe pose)
Monday, August 20, 2007
Back in the Saddle Again
Class tonight was great. It was lovely to see all my regular students and I had plenty of new ones as well. One new student asked what they should work on during the week. Become aware of how you stand. Focus on your breathing... Just begin to notice how you hold yourself. Set aside a few minutes each day and just do whatever it is that you remember from class.
There's a blog posting on Thursday June 21 about establishing a home practice. It lists numerous books and videos that I recommend.
Laurie Blakeney, a great senior teacher and my mentor through the certification process, will be at the bks iyengar yoga studio of dallas. I'll be there for the saturday and sunday sessions. She's super accessible. A great first workshop experience.
Remember a new class starts tomorrow at 10 at lakeshore. Tell your friends who might be at home during the day.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Classes Start this Week
Just a reminder that my yoga classes start back this week.
There is a new start time for the Monday Night Class. Now from 6:00 PM to 7:15. Lakeshore Baptist Room 206
Tuesday Night class is the same 5:30 to 7:00.
Also, the new Tuesday AM class starts at 10 also at Lakeshore.
The Wednesday night class will start back Sept 5.
I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone again.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Check out my new Blog
I have a new blog for life related events...